Some tips to keep your fresh produce, even fresher!

With the cost of all items going up, ensuring your fresh produce goes further has never been more important. We have collated some quick and easy tips to get you started:

1. Make sure you research how much of the item you can eat (carrot tops can be used as a parsley substitute, use citrus rinds as a garnish, roast vegetable peelings, broccoli stalks for soup, fry cauliflower leaves, and so many more!).
2. Cut fruit and vegetables and freeze them until needed.
3. Put greens like lettuce, celery or asparagus in cold water when they wilt.
4. Keep your fridge clean and ensure as little moisture as possible.
5. Check what should and shouldn't be stored in the fridge.
6. Be careful of ethylene-producing fruits and vegetables (for example, apples and bananas should not be too close to other products as it will make them ripen quicker).

There are so many more ways you keep your fresh produce for longer, so please get in touch for more tips for storage or recipe ideas!


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