Feed the demand and reduce waste
As the dynamics of the global economy become more unpredictable, innovation is essential in increasing flexible operations to better adapt to industry changes and consumer preferences. Supply and demand form the foundations of any company within the wholesale industry, but should the focus be fork to farm instead of the ever so popular farm to fork? Directing more attention to perfecting the items that can be sourced in this country and customers want to buy could increase the uptake of fresh produce, maximise sales and reduce waste. However, the food industry is incredibly dynamic, consumer tastes constantly change, and the British climate dictates growing seasons. Thus, trends could increase imports of products in favour which goes against the pledge to boost UK domestic production. This relies on government support to invest in the food and farming industry so businesses are more equipped to use alternative growing methods and compete with foreign growers.
As with many industries, technology is starting to dictate the future of food. Social media has rapidly accelerated the public’s reaction to any new story, meaning a restaurant, dish, or even vegetable now has the power to become an overnight success. On the other hand, online instant criticism can damage a business’s reputation and future success. This will continue to increase the rate at which growers will have to react to consumer ideals.
Aside from technology being used more widely across communication channels, be it positive or negative, modernisations can be used to innovate operations to boost productivity and maximise sales.